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Good Day Happy Campers! Spring was here, the animals were running wild, but someone forgot to tell Mother Nature. What was 65 has crashed, we are in the low 30’s right now, heavy clouds and light snow is falling. But alas, the birds are eating and many varieties including Chipping and white throated Sparrows, 2 kinds of Nuthatches and more. I can’t wait for the ones from the south to pass thru here! In our travels we have seen the larger Birds of Prey, never ceases to amaze me what birds can do, anyone else wish they could fly!!!

Bears are eager eating and I have seen 2 groups of Cubs with their Momma. In fact near Manitouwadge I saw a Mom with 3 little fellas. Many other critters wandering around, to watch the wilderness wake up from winter is awesome, anyone wanting to come check it out let me know!

Camp is getting ready for our hunters coming in soon, anyone wanting to come and Stalk a Bear, the Ultimate challenge, let me know. If you want to use a Spear and are successful, your hunt is FREE! If not, well you figure it out!

Magoo is still rumbling around, there is a Red Squirrel in the yard we need to go tend to, shoot me a message or give me a call if you are up to the Stalking Challenge!!!

9 it is
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Here we go again folks! 71 last night was met with 31 and light snow most of the morning! Needless to say we needed our hats, mittens and jackets into the bush! But alas, long day on the buggy trails. Happy Camp region is waking up, lots of different things seen today, but no ice. Snow, yes, animals yes, birds yes, people yes. But many things are waking up and the hunters should be excited to hear this! Soon we shall see if the water is glowing, but for tonight Magoo says enough we will sleep in! So if you are a hunter, start thinking as it was a Grand day in the Happy Camp Region!!

Here We Goooooo
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Good evening Happy Campers, Magoo and I landed in the bush at Happy Camp about an hour ago. Alas, there is still SNOW, but just a little to remind us what winter is like! Haha. Magoo danced in the snow, then saw the first Skeeters of the year, they found us already! But not to fret, they are already gone, most likely to find their friends.

We unpacked a little, but are eager to get out and chase the Bears in the morning, so we had a light bite and are calling it a night as morning comes early to the Happy Campers. So the 2024 Adventure begins in earnest tomorrow May 8, 2024!

Give us a shout if you want an update or have a hankering to come and adventure in truly one of the most beautiful wilderness areas still left, guess what, there ARE Ruffies here strutting there stuff, Yahoo BabbaLoo!

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Morning from breezy, chilly, cloudy upper Midwest USA! Spring was here, but now it seems that it has stalled, light snow last night has gone, but the Breezes continue and should through the weekend!

My right hand Girl who has been thru it all for the last 12 years, 364 days has made it to 13! Miss Molly Magoo has her special Day and she was already treated to breakfast of Egg, Bacon and a slice of Angel Food Cake topped with Cool Whip, Blueberry and Raspberry, Delicious!!

If anyone has followed our adventures, you know well how Magoo and I have been thru it all, from the inception of Happy Camp Ontario, the loss of her Brother Shadow, many, many wild trips including a Roll over accident on the Interstate. I remember laying in the shoulder as someone pulled me out of the truck saying, We gotta go get Magoo! We went to the truck which was laying upside down, she was curled in the back seat, I was able to crawl in, scoop her up and carry her to the shoulder of the Interstate. Luckily Magoo only had a little scratch on her nose!

Interestingly, the other day I drove by the area where we had the rollover some years ago, and it all now has guard rails and wires which will stop any vehicle from going in and rolling over, hmmm, could it be from Magoo’s accident, one never knows do they!

I recall another time we went fishing and Magoo was not herself, wandering aimlessly to the shore, then when I got back home she would not get out of the truck. I lifted her out and puss started coming out of her. I phoned Dr. Karen and drove immediately to her office. Magoo had Pyometra, which is a natural course during a female’s Heet cycle, and sadly Magoo lost the ability to have puppies, but if no surgery, we would have lost Magoo! But that was a few years ago and today on Magoo’s 13th Birthday we celebrate the joy of her. Swimming will be on her agenda and who knows what else.

So I challenge everyone who has a pawed friend to give them a Hug from Magoo and tell them how special they are! Soon Magoo and I will head north and start the 2024 adventure at HCO, will be fun, Magoo stomped her Paw and said, Let’s Get At IT!

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Good Morning Happy Campers! Lookie here, what do we have, a NSIT! For so long we have waited and now it has come! Decidedly so, the decision was complete after much discussion and the 3 year bit is final. So many will be very alarmed but the eyes will shine clear and do their best to TCB. Big changes are coming to the region, one can only say just wait and see what transpires!

Most snow is gone, Caribou have started their northward trek to the tundra. One thinks they will be able to cross the Albany before ice off, but if they don’t they have their life jackets to help them. When the herd of 43 left the area a bit ago, they were very healthy from little snow depth which allowed them to put on much needed energy fat to help them on their trek. Anyone wanting to view the 11 crossing, stay tuned as Alfonse will be the contact. I spoke to Alfonse this morning and it should not be long, but the barricades are ready to shut down 11 when the HH(Hillsport Herd), makes their way north. Once they cross 11, they can not be viewed unless you have a plane to fly north with the following exception.

It should be noted that the Pagwa railway is a stopping point for HH, and with fresh greens and Parsnips, they make linger for awhile at that point, time will tell. Now to the nitty gritty.

Sadly a couple of Bear hunters had to bow out of the Spring adventure due to health issues, so if you are looking for an adventure of a lifetime, get hold of me to discuss this opportunity.

I have 1 spot for a small fishing crew in later July, otherwise not much space left, especially with the NSIT coming very, very soon, so whatcha waiting for, Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!!

Rocket Science
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Hello from sun splashed Happy Camp near the shores of White Slaughter lake. While the wind blows, the trees sway, it does not take Rocket Science to figure this out. Steady traffic to and from the lake well into the dark hours. Last night the last 2 trucks pulled out shortly before 9 p.m. If you have fished White Slaughter after dark, well there is no more issue for discussion is there!

I recently found out that the MNR again came and Gill netted the lake, the 3rd time since we have been at White Slaughter. There is no doubt they have taken way too many fish. Despite our pleas for shocking efforts and volunteers to help, the powers that be do not believe in that type of fish survey, they would rather, well you do the Math.

Magoo had an episode last night, so we have been laying low. But a while ago, we went to the lake for a walk on the edge, and alas, the Beach is full of trucks, sprinkled all over the lake. I can guarantee you that they certainly are NOT fishing Whitefish, very few know they even exist out there! The conservation mindset comes from within, certainly NOT Rocket Science to figure out why we have what we do.

It is up to YOU to make that decision or look in the mirror and ask yourself just WHY there are fewer and fewer fish. I challenge everyone to be honest with themselves, but hey guess what, that just is not in the cards today is it!

With that I bid you a good day, enjoy the sun, catch a few, how many will you let go for another day?

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Good Morning Happy Campers! May I get a Drum roll please, thank you very much. I am writing to you from the lodge at HaPpY CaMp OnTaRiO near Hillsport. We have got settled and checking things out. There is quite a bit of snow in the area, but when you go south there is little. In fact, Magoo and I traveled to Marathon yesterday and almost nothing south of Manitouwadge, but hey that’s life.

Wildlife has been a minimum so far, a few birds passing by, so we have some bird feeders to put out and see what happens. I did see a woodpecker that has an orange bar on its head, so that needs to be figured out. White Otter is quiet except for the fisherman, never seems to have total peace. But alas, as there is a New Sheriff in town, a new day is dawning, time will tell how this is received. I did get on the ice the other afternoon for a couple hours. Plenty of ice and I did have the Trifecta, oddly a species I never caught here, but this fella sure will be tasty. I even got a recipe off the internet to try, time will tell, but usually fresh fish is good unless you leave the bones in, HA!

My right hand girl Magoo is doing the best she can in this snow. Crust on top and we both fall thru quite a bit, but the forecast is for warming starting today for most of the week. Highs to be around 50 for a few days, bring it baby! On my travels I have some news, I stopped at Aubrey’s and spoke to Gee the owner, and Rooster is getting along in town. In the next few days I will travel and visit with him. I know one thing, Rooster loved the bush and how he must miss the bush, maybe we can find a way to bring him back to his first love, White Otter? Anyone have ideas, we are all ears.

Interesting meetings last week, but all appear good, we are set to Bear hunt Spring of 2024! Actually all of our hunts will be on new land, as we lost access to the old area where there are now Caribou. As always, it will be an adventure, and special bear bait is stuffed all over Happy Camp just waiting for the Bears to come and eat! I do have a couple of spots open, so if you are interested in applying for a spot, email or call me today. Details are listed on the hunt section and we will start in May.

As Magoo and I walked the trail towards the lake Friday, it hit me. This is the first time we have been at Happy Camp since I lost my mother. During our years at HCO, Happy Camp grew on Mom. She would stay for a couple days, then a bunch. She spent time here fishing, enjoying nature, playing with the Polar Bears, but I think most of all felt a little closer to Dad. Dad never got the opportunity to be at Happy Camp with me, but I am sure he would have truly enjoyed the area and embraced all the adventures we have gone on and will go on, I miss each of them every day. Also, Sadie is no longer with us, and Magoo rests in Sadie’s bed as I write this.

For today, we will work on bird feeding, make some food and devise a plan on bear baiting this spring. I can tell you, the peaceful feeling that comes over me as I look into the wilderness is something that has been missing, perhaps for you too?

White Otter is calling and I must go is a very simple way of saying, It is good for the Soul! Come on up for a coffee, but call first because you never know where we will be on our next adventure!

Come on and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario :))

All Righty Y’ALL
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Good afternoon Happy Campers! Winter has found its way to central Wisconsin for a few days. Sharp Cold front last night brought temps from almost 70 to single digits. Along with this, we got a little rain/snow which made a difficult trip to Magoo’s doctor for her Librella shot today! But never fear, Magoo and I made it all safe, even saw our first Tom Turkeys showing off their stuff on the trip!

Soon I am headed north to check things out for the late Winter. I hear the loggers are near our new BMA, so I shall get after this and see if we can check it out. As you know, the 2023 season was a debacle but on October 29th I was cleared. Holy heck all, Herk was just tying down his last Bike and headed out, so What’s up with That!! But alas, last week I was able to get into Manitoba and see the stars again. You know what, things just smell better north of the border, HA!

A Moose hunt chap found out I was headed up to HCO, asked me if I was going fishing and if I knew where to fish? To this I calmly replied, you know if I can get on the ice, there is good ice, no worries, we will catch fish. So we will not go hungry, but if we think it may happen, then we have backup, a jar of PB and a loaf of Bread. But alas, very seldom is the smell of SKUNK anywhere near me when the line is cast!

Bear hunt 2024 will start May 25 and run thru June 15, 2024. Cost is $1800 US per hunter per week, running Saturday thru Friday. I have a few spots open, if you are interested in applying, get hold of me now as I am headed to a show this weekend. Speaking of shows, sadly we will miss out on the Toronto Show this year as I was hoping to get there, check it out and have Magoo spread her cheer and wonder!!

Additionally, I am offering a Spring/Fall Bear hunt which is a first in the Industry. Contact me today for further details as these spots too are limited.

Speaking of Limited, fishing will be on the docket again, and we have a spot open in July, but after the 6th. I know the fishing is going to be great, anyone wanting to come help cache boats let me know. There will be bugs, there will be mud, sticks, but most of all it will be an adventure of a Lifetime. Plus I can already smell the BBQ cooking those steaks after eh cache as we sip a cold beverage in the porch, is there anything finer?

2024 looks to be a great year, give me a shout via phone or send me a message to get me updated on what is on your agenda! Take care and What you waiting for, Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!!!

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Good Morning Happy Campers, hope you all are enjoying the Winter, or NOT! 23-24 Winter has been weird to say the least. Little snow and cold have led to many thoughts: Will Winter come later, will it dump us in May, have the Bear’s come out to play already, etc…..

Whatever is going on, we all know it is something, to me this is a continued signal that we need to help Mother Earth. She is warming too fast and is out of control. We all need to do all we can to take care of this precious world, if not, then what!

Bear Hunt will begin May 27, 2024, a new BMA will be a New Adventure. We have a few openings, so if you are interested, get hold of me asap.

Moose Season are as follows: Archery runs September 21-October 11. Rifle Starts October 12

We have limited openings for the Rifle Season, but have room for Archery hunts. Of Course this is dependent on the tag situation, time will tell what happens this year.

Excited to get up to the north in the near future. We hope that 2024 brings all of us together again and I hear Happy Camp Calling now, so What you waiting for, Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!

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Happy New Year Happy Campers! As we usher in the New Year, we also usher in a New Era at Happy Camp. Soon we hope to unleash the animal in the far north and start Ice Fishing and adventures in the snow. From what we can tell, right now there is little snow, so Let’s go Hunting and Fishing!

So if you are hankering for a New adventure, shoot me an email or Call me today, let’s Chat!! What you waiting for, Come and Catch the Wild Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!!